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Class 6

Class 6

All About Year 3 and 4

Year 3 is an exciting year for the children when they move from KS1 to KS2. We try to make the transition as enjoyable as possible for the children.

In Year 4 we continue to build upon the knowledge and skills they have learnt in previous years. The children will be involved with a variety of topic work throughout the year.

Term 1 and 2

We are Historians

In English this term, the children in Class 6 will be developing their writing skills through the exploration of diary writing and newspaper articles. We will also be using our class text ‘Beowulf’ as inspiration for recounts and character descriptions.

In Maths, the Year 3 children are using numbers up to 1000 to develop their understanding of place value, addition and subtraction and number lines and Year 4s are going up to 10,000. We will also be furthering our multiplication and division skills, looking at our times tables.

We are Historians this term, so we will be learning about both the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings! We will be discovering where they came from, how and why they came to Britain and also how they lived and how we know about these times.

During our science lessons, we will firstly be investigating living things and their habitats. This will involve the grouping and classification of livings things as well as the exploration of their environments and habitats. We will then be moving on to states of matter and the study of solids, liquids and gases.

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