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Class 6

Class 6

All About Year 3 and 4

Year 3 is an exciting year for the children when they move from KS1 to KS2. We try to make the transition as enjoyable as possible for the children.

In Year 4 we continue to build upon the knowledge and skills they have learnt in previous years. The children will be involved with a variety of topic work throughout the year.

Term 1 and 2

We are Historians

The children in Classes 5 and 6 are discovering that ‘History Rocks’!  We are learning about the Stone Age, using stories such as ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura, and archaeological evidence to explore that period of pre-history.  We will be exploring cave paintings and how people from the Stone Age lived their lives before moving on many thousands of years to finding out about the Roman Empire and the impact that ancient civilisation has had on modern life.  Our Reading focus will be using fiction and non-fiction in these areas of History also.  In Science, our topic of Rocks and Soils will fit in well with our Stone Age learning!  We are looking forward to finding out about fossils and different types of rocks and stones.  

Term 3 and 4

We are Scientists

Barry B. Benson (hero of ‘The Bee Movie’!) is helping the Y3 children in Class 5 find out about plants and flowers, and the importance of his kind in the pollination process.  Bees are an efficient team who all have their part to play and we will be using this idea in our collaborative work during the Spring Term.  We will be using Talk for Writing to innovate and invent around the story told in ‘The Bee Movie’ as well as using lots of non-fiction texts, including non-chronological reports and reference books, to find things out.   We are using ‘The Hive’ to inspire our artwork, and looking at ‘Moving Pictures’ to create posters that we can move.

Term 5 and 6

We are Explorers

Y3 and Y4 children in Classes 5 and 6 are explorers.  We will be using fictional maps of ‘Rumblestar’ by Abi Elphinstone and our real world maps, to find out about how maps work, and about the world we live in – the physical and human features of our world as well as some of the key places, particularly in Europe and Russia.  Our PE focus is outdoor activities, especially Athletics skills and we will be enjoying our lessons in the local swimming pool.  Science activities will help us find out about our muscles and bones and keeping healthy, as well as the pushes and pulls associated with magnets.  An exciting term ahead!

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