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Class 1

class 1

All About Reception

Reception year is a time of great change for both children and their parents. It is a very exciting time for children and we have a lot of experience in helping them adjust to school life.

Term 1 and 2

We are Historians

In Class 1 we will be using our five senses to investigate the world around us. We will be looking at similarities and differences between each other. We will be walking around our school and talking about rules with our friends. We will be participating in turn taking games and learning to share with each other and to select resources independently. Class 1 will be learning the routines of the day and thinking about the feelings of others.  We will be learning about our family and people who are important to us. We will be learning to write our names and beginning our journey into phonics.  Class 1 will be learning to match, sort and count objects.  We will draw pictures of ourselves and our family.  We will be learning in the role play area and learning how to stay healthy. We will by learning how to move with control and care.

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