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Year 6 Residential




Watch the video about Manor Adventure Culmington Manor by clicking on the link


Why should they go?


Team building
Preparation for secondary school

What will their day look like?

7.30 Rise and shine!

8.00 Breakfast

9.00-10.30 Activity session 1

10.30-10.50 Break time

10.50-12.20 Activity session 2

12.20-13.40 Lunch time

13.40-15.10 Activity session 3

15.10-15.30 Break time

15.30-17.00 Activity session 4

17.00-19.00 Evening meal / free time

19.00-20.30 Activity session 5

20.30 – 22.00 Free time and supper with teachers

22.00 Lights out

22.05 Teachers collapse!

What can they do on residential?

Types of Activities:

Rifle Shooting
Survival Skills
Low Ropes
Zip Wire
Indoor Bouldering

When will they depart school?

8.55am – Children arrive at school (non-uniform with named luggage – to be left in hall).

10am – Coach arrives, load suitcases.

10.30am – Coach leaves (parents are welcome to wave children off).

11.30am – Coach to stop in Ludlow for lunch.

2pm - Arrive at Manor Adventure.






What do they need?

1 x suitcase/hold-all – please make sure your child can manage to move it on their own

Named carrier bags for dirty clothes

1 x small backpack for coach (book, magazine, labelled mp3 / Ipod / handheld computer console etc). Valuables will be collected on arrival and locked away until return trip.

Sun cream, chap stick, named water bottles.

Suitable long trousers, jeans are not allowed for the activities. Old trainers/ closed-toe shoes & long sleeve tops are essential for activities!

Swimming kit in separate bag –flip flops/ crocs useful for walking to and from pool

1 x sleeping bag / duvet with cover and pillow case.

1 x packed lunch with a non-fizzy drink for Monday (in a disposable bag/container to be thrown in bin).

Up to £5 in loose change-in a named wallet/purse and handed in on Monday morning. There is a tuck shop on site. (Small change, no notes!)

Children are not permitted to bring phones, teachers will make contact with school and update the school blog (internet access permitting).

PLEASE NAME EVERYTHING – INCLUDING UNDERWEAR the drying rooms are shared by other schools !!!!!

What should they wear?

Refer to your kit list
Waterproof trousers and jackets essential!!!
Although it is ‘Summer time’ fleeces, sweatshirts are needed.
Children are likely to get muddy and it is therefore important they are not wearing their best clothes.
Clothes and shoes should be sensible, sturdy and comfortable and long sleeved and legged for all activities – no jeans allowed.
All clothes MUST BE NAMED!!!!!
We are hoping for good weather – hats and sun cream will be needed.
Underground Maze requires wellies, they have some if you don’t have any.

What about when they return back to school?

Children pack own bags Thursday evening.

Friday morning – breakfast and activities as normal.

Depart manor after lunch Friday – direct to school.

Aim to be back at school for 3.15pm (traffic allowing).

Children to help unload the coach and put bags into the hall.

Parents to collect children and bags from hall.

Exact times to be confirmed with office and a note will be displayed in the playground.

What if my child needs medication?

Thank you to those of you who have returned your forms (more available if needed).
Travel sickness- 4 lots of tablets will be required (for journey and return plus a trip whilst at the Manor).  Please supply in a named envelope.
Please make sure your child has had tablets on departure day.
Any other regular medication i.e. inhalers, Piriton, etc.  Please supply in a named bag.
Calpol – If your child might need this, again please supply and we will administer if needed.
Please hand any named medication to teachers on Monday morning.
If there is anything else that you would like us to know (in terms of medication etc.) then please do come and speak to us.

How will my child contact home?

Enjoy a week of peace!!
The children will not be allowed to take mobile phones.
Teachers will contact the school everyday with updates of events.  A display board will be put out in the playground and the school blog on the website will be updated as regularly as possible.
In case of emergency we will have all numbers with us.
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