Class 2
All About Reception and Year 1
Reception year is a time of great change for both children and their parents. It is a very exciting time for children and we have a lot of experience in helping them adjust to school life.
In Year 1 children move from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. We continue to build upon the progress the children have made during their Reception year and to encourage greater independence in subtle ways.
Term 1 and 2
We are Historians
This term, Class 1 and 2’s topics are ‘All about me’ and ‘Terrific tales’. We will explore how life has changed since we were babies and all the amazing things our bodies can do! We will then find out about terrific tales, including The Little Red Hen and The Three Little Pigs!
Term 3 and 4
We are Scientists
Amazing Animals
Class 1 and 2 are learning about the Amazing Animals in our world. We will explore their habitats, why their habitats are endangered and the life cycle of a butterfly.
We will be using Monkey Puzzle as a stimulus and writing some descriptions of the animals in our Literacy lessons.
Term 5 and 6
We are Explorers
Ticket to Ride/Fun at the Seaside
This term, Classes 1 and 2 are going on a train ride to the seaside!
We are going to explore the seaside and it’s features and create some fabulous seaside artwork. On our travels, we will be sure to send you a postcard! We will also meet a lifeguard who needs some help with a new float… I wonder which material will work best?!