Personal, Social, Health and Economic & Citizenship at Gardners Lane
Within our school we strive to deliver a Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship curriculum, which promotes and supports young people to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society, leading to success and fulfilment in adult life. We aim to achieve this through the teaching of PSHE and Citizenship which is integral to curriculum policies. In so doing we help to develop a sense of self-worth and emotional wellbeing. We encourage our children to play a confident and positive role in contributing to the life of the school and wider community.
Opportunities are made to enable our children to take part in a range of experiences, aimed at developing the whole child.
PSHE Education is a planned, developmental programme of learning designed to help learners develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.
PSHE Education deals with real life issues which affect children, young people, their families and their communities. It includes: health, risk, relationships, loss, change, career choices and personal finance.
'Every Child Matters' (2003) highlighted the importance of support for children's wellbeing alongside an increased recognition of personal wellbeing as a key factor in enabling learning.
PSHE Education makes a significant contribution to the health, wellbeing and safeguarding of children and young people. It contributes to the health of the nation, ultimately reducing NHS spending. It underpins young people's future employability and by increasing independence ultimately enables them to take responsibility for themselves in their future roles as parents, employees and leaders.
Core themes to be taught :
Health and Wellbeing
•Developing risk management
•Understanding personal change and responsibility
•Understanding the dynamics of healthy relationships
Living in the Wider World
•How media, commerce and social issues shape our understanding of the world
- Develop confidence and a sense of self worth
- Make informed choices regarding personal and social issues
- Have and demonstrate respect for themselves and others
- Be positive and contribute towards their society
- Be independent and responsible members of the school community
- Recognise and make the most of their own and others abilities
- Develop independence and responsibility
- Explore and respect the differences between people and cultures
- Understand, develop and sustain fulfilling and meaningful relationships
- Keep themselves and others safe
- Be informed and able to make healthy lifestyle choices/decisions
- Be aware of and manage risks in their own lives
It remains our aim to secure, encourage and develop our young people enabling them to achieve the following outcomes:
- Be healthy
- Stay safe
- Enjoy and achieve
- Make positive contributions
- Achieve economic wellbeing
In addition to offering the above curriculum, Gardners Lane is embarking on two additional projects; Trailblazers and the Timpson Project both of which are aimed at developing children’s social, emotional and mental well-being.
To view what your child is studying access the class page.