Our classrooms are colourful and engaging, equipped with computers, interactive whiteboard and flip charts. Classrooms are well resourced and are a fun and stimulating place to learn.
We offer intervention programs including pastoral and directed learning. These take place in cabins adjacent to the playgrounds at Gardners Lane.
We have recently re-housed the school library in the corridor in the new part of Gardners Lane. It is filled with a range of exciting new books for children to enjoy and is a wonderful place to curl up with a story, or learn some interesting new facts! We also offer a variety of books in a range of languages.
We have a recently refurbished Computer Suite that is fully equipped with an interactive board alongside thirty laptops available for children to use. These laptops can be used in either the suite or the classroom. Classes have access to the suite each week to enhance their learning and develop computing skills. |
We have a talented staff team who use their artistic skills to produce displays which celebrate children's work and enhance their learning. These displays add to the vibrant atmosphere of our school.
We are lucky to have a large staffroom which is available for staff and visitors to relax and chat with our warm and friendly team. |
We have an amazing Victorian school hall, which is used for indoor Physical Education, assemblies and lunches. Other events such as disco's, school productions and meetings are also held in the hall. The school kitchen is sited to the side of the hall.
Reception have a wonderful new outdoor learning area. It's filled with exciting toys to play with, a climbing frame and plenty of opportunities to explore nature.
We have two playgrounds, one for each Key Stage. Both playgrounds have a variety of places (gazebos, stage and picnic table benches) for the children to play. Toys are available for both playgrounds during the lunch breaks.
Demarcation can also be found on all of the playground floors, which enable the children to use their imagination where they can play traditional games or make up their own ones.
We are very fortunate to have the use of a large field, which our students enjoy using for games, cross-country runs, after school clubs and sporting events.
We are extremely lucky to have a beautiful outdoor learning area at Gardners Lane. Every class has access to this space and it is a wonderful place to learn all about nature and the wildlife around our school.
We have a dedicated support room which is timetabled throughout the day for interventions such as phonics and pupil support.
We have a new trim trail in the Key Stage 2 playground for the children to enjoy.
Gardners Lane Primary School | Hosted by New Era Technology | DB Primary | DB Learning Library