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Parental Engagement


At Gardners Lane Primary School we value the engagement and the bond we have with our parents and the wider community.

We see Parental Engagement as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and the environment in which this takes place.

Parental engagement in schools is a shared responsibility in which schools, other community agencies and organisations are committed to develop a relationship to engage parents in meaningful ways. In this way parents become an iatrical part to play in their children’s education .

This relationship between schools and parents cuts across and reinforces children’s health and learning in multiple settings—at home, in school, and in the community. 

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the engagement between parents and school is even more important, as we adjust and improve the ways in which we communicate with the whole school community. We endeavour to inform and engage with you as much as possible, in a variety of ways.

Early Years

Our Early Years practitioners work hard to ensure that pupils’ transition into reception  classes smoothly. Parents and carers are given all the support they need to understand the process of their children entering formal education - home visits and reception parents evenings are crucial parts of the admission process. We use these informal meetings to give parents the opportunity to meet staff to ask questions; receive welcome packs; explore the reception environment and order uniform.  

Transition days are designed to give pupils opportunities to familiarise themselves with the reception setting and staff before their admission in September.

Class Share Sessions

Class shares are a popular event at Gardners Lane for both parents and pupils.  Parents have an opportunity to engage with their child’s classroom environment and pupils can share their personal successes with the invited adult.


Parent Evenings

Each term teachers will inform parents about the progress that their children are making. It is a time for parents to be made aware of personal targets and how they are succeeding against them and their children’s next steps, as well as how they are settling in and enjoying the school year.



We value the contributions that our volunteers make to the life of our school. They have a positive impact on our pupils’ learning, especially in Reading and maintaining the outdoor area. 

Once government guidance has allowed the introduction of visitors back into schools, Gardners Lane will continue to appreciate the fundamental work carried out by our volunteers. If you would like to join our team of volunteer group offering specific skills that would support Gardners Lane to grow as a community school, please contact the office or email.

School Productions

The KS1 and 2 school productions are annual events which are well attended and  thoroughly enjoyed by parents, children and staff. This gives the opportunity for parents to witness their children embrace the opportunity to shine alongside their peers. A range of photographs are displayed throughout the school which bear testament to the commitment and hard work shown by all.

Carol Service

Gardners Lane Primary School maintains excellent links with The University of Gloucestershire and Cheltenham Ladies College. During the period of Advent, the school invites parents to Francis Close Hall Chapel to take part in the annual Carol Service. To add to this very important time in the Christian calendar Key Stage 1 will perform their Nativity play.

End of Year Service and Picnic

This is another well-attended event in the school calendar. It is the opportunity for the whole school community to come together to give thanks and show their appreciation to all staff, parents, volunteers, pupils, visitors and organisations for all the support, over the academic year.

Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

Gardners Lane Primary School has an active PTA. This group of parents and teachers  support in organising regular annual events to raise funds to enhance the experiences of our pupils over the academic year.

If you are interested in joining PTA and contributing with great fundraising ideas then please contact the school office for information.

School Website

The school’s website is an essential source of information and regularly up-dated with changes to policy, procedures and routines regarding COVID-19 and how they affect the day-to-day running of the school.

It is important that the website is viewed regularly and you are up-to-date on the Government changes in order to keep pupils, staff and parents safe.

To ensure all information is received, Gardners Lane will also send out text alerts and a weekly newsletter, which will be given to each family to bring home.


ClassDojo is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and families used to build relationships with parents celebrating what is being learned in the classroom.

The information shared through Dojo is written in several languages ensuring all  families have access to the ever-changing information.

If you would like to sign up to Dojo, please contact the office for information.

Plans for the Future

Our hope is to be able to open the school back up in the future, however during these difficult times we will continue to follow the Government guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our school members is being met. Thank you for your support.

Coffee Mornings – Chill and Chat

When life returns to normal, we will openly welcome the return of our parents and community supporters to come along to our coffee mornings. These informal fortnightly events have no agenda, but an opportunity where parents, teachers and other community leaders may talk; share ideas; offer advice; and make suggestions over tea and coffee about different educational and parental topics. 

Parent and Pupils with English as an Additional Language

The population of Gardners Lane Primary School continues to become more diverse and there are currently 24 languages spoken, including English, throughout the school community. The range of languages and cultures bring colour and breadth to the curriculum. It is an opportunity for children and parents from this diverse communities to enhance learning within the classroom.

We welcome all our new arrivals to Gardners Lane Primary School.

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