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Physical Education


We aim to...

  • enable the children to understand that exercise is an essential part of a healthy life style.

  • provide opportunities through a programme that enables our children to make informed choices about activities they wish to follow whilst at school and in the future.

  • help our pupils to move efficiently and safely by improving their agility, control, balance and co-ordination.

  • develop self-esteem by valuing each child’s contribution.

  • develop community links with the teacher training facility at the University of Gloucestershire and through the Move More (formly known as Cheltenham & North Tewkesbury School Sport Network) of which we are a gold member.

  • provide out of hours sports opportunities.

P.E. Provision

The children in Key Stage 1 will be taught Dance, Gymnastics and Games each year. In Key stage 2 the children will be taught Dance, Gymnastics, Games, Athletics and Outdoor Adventurous activities. The children will work in the hall, on a playground or on the school playing field. Some children may travel off site to take part in physical education activities at the University of Gloucestershire, sports festivals and sports matches. Up to 2 hours of physical activity will be delivered to children each week, this will be made up of sessions within school and through extra-curricular activities. We also endorse the new National Curriculum Guidelines for PE outlined below.

PE in the new National Curriculum 2014: The Aims

  • Competent pupils are able to excel in a broad range of physical activities

  • Pupils have the ability to be physically active for sustained periods of time

  • Pupils are able to engage in competitive sports and activities

  • Pupils to be supported to lead healthy and active lifestyles


Our Partnership with the University of Gloucestershire

  • At Gardners Lane we have established a valuable partnership with the University of Gloucestershire. We have worked with the students, course leaders and lecturers to develop the PE curriculum across EYFS Key Stage 1 and 2. The children have been involved in Dance, Gymnastic activity and Games. We greatly value the work we do with the University but unfortunately due to present circumstances ( COVID-19 restrictions) we are unable to participate in PE sessions with the students at the University. The partnership remains active, however, through virtual communication between the staff at the University and Gardners Lane.


Extra-Currciular Opportunities

  • We aim to provide a programme of extra-curricular physical education activities at school and aim to involve a high number of children. Our philosophy is open access. We meet other schools through taking part in matches, tournaments and festivals. Groups or teams are chosen from those attending the clubs and showing good effort towards work and behaviour in all aspects of school. A calendar of up and coming sporting events can be found below, and please see our School Clubs page (under school information) for a breakdown of the clubs that will be provided during the current term.


Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

Here at Gardners Lane we aim to promote health and well-being throughout the school year through a range of interactive and inspiring activities. These include:

  • providing children with a range of sporting equipment and games that can be used at playtimes.

  • regular class 'Wake n’ Shake' sessions.

  • studying healthy living, understanding our bodies and foods in the classroom (Science and PSHE).

  • Sports Leaders, in which ‘leaders’ are chosen to support and guide younger children in playing a variety of activities at playtimes, that promote co-operation, teamwork and fair play.

  • an identified Healthy Week, during which the children will have the opportunities to take part in a wide variety of healthy and sporting activities, including: mini-gym, games and a cave for KS1 and games and a climbing wall for KS2, inter-school.

  • sporting festivals and events, and site visits focussing on food sources and cooking.

Advice for Parents

All children require PE kit, and where possible to be left in school during term time. Our PE kit consists of: blue shorts, tracksuit bottoms (to be worn for outdoor PE in cold weather), white polo top / T-shirt, and black pumps or trainers for outdoor PE. Children’s participation in PE is a statutory requirement.

We require parents to inform us if a child cannot take part in PE and if this extends beyond a week we would request a note from the parents or doctor explaining the reason. Whenever possible for other physical education activities we aim to involve non-participants by observing and assisting.

Primary PE and Sport Premium

On the 5th July 2020 the Department for Education (DfE) confirmed that the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding will continue at £320 million for the 2020/21 academic year. The Premium is designed to help children get an active start in life, supporting primary schools to improve the quality of their PE and sport provision so that pupils experience the benefits of regular exercise – from becoming healthier both mentally and physically to improved behaviour and better academic achievement. The funding is a ring-fenced grant for English primary schools to provide additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE, sport and physical activity. Allocations to schools are determined by a formula based on pupil numbers.


Move More Membership

Gardners Lane is a member of Move More. This membership provides our schools with a range of sports competitions and specialist coaching. The Move More coaches are directed to work with each class or year -group providing structured learning experiences to develop the skills needed for a particular sport or event.  Each year the Move More team provide the school with advice, guidelines and continuous professional development as requested by teaching staff.  We have access to provision for gifted and talented children and for children who qualify for sportsability.  As a member of Move More we have a full calendar of sporting festivals and fixtures throughout the year, including football, rugby, athletics, rounders netball ,golf, archery, cross-country, swimming, hockey, netball, handball, dodgeball and multiskills.

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