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School Dinners


Caterlink are specialist caterers within schools, colleges and universities’. They are passionate about fresh, healthy food that tastes great. The right nutrients can affect everyone’s mood, behaviour, health, growth and even their ability to concentrate. Encouraging a well-balanced diet establishes healthy eating now and for the future.

Change 4 Life

Our lunch break is from 12.00 noon to 1.00 p.m. and children may have a school meal or bring a packed lunch. We encourage our children to make healthy food choices and ask that packed lunches do not contain sweets or chocolate bars.

A point of safety: No glass bottles, fizzy drinks or energy drinks please.

School lunches are priced at £2.36 per day and parents pay in advance either online or via the school office.

Please send all payments via school using the cash, or via Parentpay . Please see the office for more details.

Send items in an envelope clearly marked with your child's name and class.


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